PUK Interviews
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
PoliticsUK Interviews Andrew Stott, Leader of the United People's Party
Politics UK
about an hour ago
Welcome to tonight's interview with Andrew Stott, Leader of
United People's Party
Interview with Andrew Stott, Leader of United People's Party
Politics UK
PoliticsUK would like to welcome Andrew Stott, founder and leader of the
United People's Party
and a member of the Bucklebury Parish Council.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
Hi Andrew,
You are quite young to be a politician; do you find that this has been an advantage or a disadvantage in you political career?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
On the whole it has proven to be advantageous.
More often than not, especially from those from my own age group, most see politically interested young people, such as myself, as a breath of fresh air and something that should be praised.
That said, I have never known anyone to join, or not join, the Party based solely on my age, so I don’t really consider it a deciding factor in the direct growth of the Party.
From a practical point of view, it was a something of a challenge to get the Party off the ground during its early days because, not having run a political party beforehand, mistakes were made and my lack of experience in running a political party did mean that there were initially some bumps on the road.
But it is from such mistakes that lessons were learnt and I now run a well-organised, efficient, active and growing political movement, as has been the case for some time.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
Can you tell us a little about yourself and why you formed the United Peoples Party?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
I originally got involved in party politics as a member of the Green Party, aged 16.
As you might have already guessed, the reasons for which revolved largely (perhaps entirely) around the ever growing concerns I had for the environment,
the natural world and the depletion of natural resources. Unsurprisingly, such environmentalist and green ideals are, and always have been, an important aspect of United People’s Party policy.
As I expanded my interests in other political fields, however, I found that the Greens did not represent what I wanted Britain to become.
Aged 18, with a great deal of reluctance, I decided to place my faith in the Conservative Party.
Like many, I soon became disenchanted with mainstream politics and, unlike my involvement with the Greens, did no political activism of any kind for the Conservatives after coming to understand the true nature of such parties.
For a short time, I simply paid no attention to politics or political parties.
Eventually, aged 19, I decided to set up a facebook group and based the name and objectives on ideas I had been scribbling down on a notepad for some time.
I realised that more and more people supported these ideas and our political objectives began to develop - a credible political alternative was being created. The Party was eventually registered in October 2009, I became a Parish Councillor a few weeks later and the rest, as they say, is history.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
What are the core beliefs behind the United Peoples Party?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
The United People’s Party stands for the promotion of equality, unity, patriotism, a strong national industry, green politics, a revitalised Armed Forces, a well-funded public sector, a strong, responsible and compassionate government and m
eaningful international cooperation - all of which is aimed at creating national unity, security and prosperity.
This is a brief description of our 8 Point Plan, which details our overall political objectives.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
You have said that you see the UPP as being, in broad terms, a Liberal Nationalist party.
Can you explain what you mean by this?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
Liberal Nationalism is a non-xenophobic form of nationalism which is compatible with the liberal values of equality and individual rights.
It is the belief that the promotion of national identity and culture is paramount in creating a stro
ng, united and prosperous nation which anyone can belong to, irrespective of someone’s ethnicity, religion, sexuality, disability, gender or origin.
Liberal Nationalism stands in complete contrast to “Ethnic Nationalism”, which is promoted by parties on the far-right, such as the British National Party or the National Front.
Liberal Nationalism, in blunt terms, is an ideology that most ordinary, decent British patriots would naturally associate themselves with.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
The UPP is a Pro-Union party.
Can you briefly tell us what advantages the UPP feel there is for Scotland to stay in the UK?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
The United People’s Party is, unquestionably a vehemently Pro-Union party.
First and foremost, this is for ideological reasons. We are a party of the British people and Scotland is a part of Britain. The suggestion that Scotland, or any ot
her part of Great Britain, should separate from this country stands in complete contrast to our most fundamental beliefs in promoting community cohesion and national unity.
I believe the historical and cultural links between Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland shows that we can work, live and fight together for a country that we all call our own.
I, like the majority of those that reside in Scotland, simply cannot fathom as to why some people have this desire to destroy such a great nation.
As a certain, promoted slogan in the Unionist camp suggests, we are stronger together.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
Let’s put a couple myths to bed.
Does the UPP ‘court the far-right’?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
Of course not.
Any individual or group that suggests we have anything to do with far-right political organisations or parties are, putting it bluntly, lying through their teeth.
Accusing a political party of being far-right, associating t
hem with the far-right or trying to suggest links between said party and, say, the BNP or even the Nazi Party is an increasingly common, lazy and uninspiring way to try and smear a political party.
Put another way, if you ask for clarification on such accusations, you are either met with stony silence or a half-baked response that is quickly torn apart.
I have been involved in politics long enough to know what to expect from and how to respond to such people.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
Is the UPPs logo, in any way, a reference to the Nazi Party..
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
The emblem or the slogan? In both cases, of course it’s not.
As mentioned above, such accusations are just a meaningless attempts to link a political party with Nazism in a poor attempt to smear it.
Our slogan has absolutely nothing to do with Nazism or Nazi ideology. We, unsurprisingly, have absolutely no interest in an extremist, hate-filled belief system that died out nearly 70 years ago in another country.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
In the last week it was announced that the Army will lose 17 major units as it cuts 20,000 regular soldiers by 2020.
Do you agree with this policy and what other alternatives is there for the British military?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
We absolutely and unreservedly oppose these horrendous cuts to the British Armed Forces.
What the vast majority of political parties and political activists will agree on is that, regardless of whether you’re in favour of “big government”
or “small government”, national defence is one of the primary duties of any national government.
By reducing the size and strength or the British Armed Forces in such numbers is nothing short of a betrayal of the British people and, far more importantly as far as I’m concerned, they are spitting in the faces of those who have served their country.
The Party will not hesitate to reverse these cuts and restore the dignity to the British Armed Forces that has been so unjustly tarnished by this government.
We promote a number of reforms, such as making the Military Covenant into a legal obligation, removing the compulsory retirement age and improving leave options for Forces in action, and believe the increased to the Ministry of Defence to fund our proposed plans for the British Armed Forces can be acquired partly by reducing our overall spending on the creation and upkeep of a vast stockpile of Nuclear weaponry and keeping our Nuclear deterrent to an absolute minimum, as well as withdrawing our Forces from existing military operations overseas.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
Do the UPP agree with the cuts to the UKs public sector?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
The Public Sector cuts are something we, again, are in full opposition to.
This government seems not only content but determined to punish the people of this country by either destroying their livelihoods or reducing the effectives or qual
ity of our policing, health and education services, among others, in an attempt to prop up a failed banking system.
Further, as we see the Public Sector deteriorate, we continue to spend billions on the on-going war in the Middle East, in trying to address the failed economic experiment which is the European Union and, most infuriating of all, we are told by the millionaire politicians and bankers, who have had their lifestyles completely unaffected by all this, that “we are all in this together”.
This government disgusts me, as it does many people, and we are determined to kick them out and reverse the cuts as soon as possible.
about an hour ago
Politics UK
If the United People's Party were in power, what measures could you introduce to stimulate growth in our economy?
about an hour ago
Andrew Stott
We promote the development of national industry, be it agricultural, manufacturing or technological, stimulating the Private Sector to the extent that it is economically viable and getting people into work, off benefits and paying into the
Our plans for the creation on a green industry, in particular, ticks many boxes, finding renewable sources of fuel and energy, creating jobs, reducing reliance on foreign fuels and energy imports, assisting in reducing our carbon foot-print and protecting our natural environment.
We also promote tax breaks for new, small and developing businesses and wish to raise the standards of living for the poorest in society by raising the taxable income threshold to £12,000 so as to help address the immediate problems faced by those who are struggling to maintain a decent standard of living.
As always, such plans are entirely dependent on the amount of money available to spend at that time but these are the objectives we feel are necessary and far more desirable than the ruthless cuts being imposed on the British people, only to see the expenditure saved being thrown into the financial black hole that is the EU.
The further development of economic policy is something that will be done continuously, as will always be the case. At this time, we are far more concerned about developing policy that will affect the local communities that we intend to win representation in, rather than promising nationwide economic growth if our candidates are elected to individual seats on their local Council.
Indeed, this time last year, the Party was still only able to contest seats for Parish/Community Council seats and we are still focused primarily on winning representation in local government rather than trying to form a national government in 2015 with the policy we already have, as some people seem to think.
Unfortunately, there are those that expect parties like the United People’s Party to be able to develop policy to the same standard (and better) as the mainstream parties. The obvious problem being that we have been around for less than 3 years and have limited resources and time, whereas the mainstream parties, for the most part, have been around before any of us were even born, have a huge budget and no shortage of experienced economists to dedicate to the development of economic policy.
A Party needs time to develop itself in such ways, and some people just aren’t willing to appreciate that.
57 minutes ago
Politics UK
Does austerity work?
57 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
In short, no.
Austerity does not promote growth, it only delays further economic downturns at the continued expense of the young, the old, the sick, the disabled, Public Sector workers and the unemployed.
I think the old saying “you’ve got to spend money to make money” is appropriate here, and this is exactly what we want to - spend money on developing and stimulating the Private Sector and creating genuine growth.
52 minutes ago
Politics UK
What is your view of the Libor scandal and do you believe that there is a need for more regulation on banks?
51 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
Like most people, I found the scandal to be horrifying but, at the same time, it almost came as no surprise.
When people say that the system (be it political, banking or whatever) is corrupt, it isn’t just a standard statement, it’s a full
-blown fact that seems to be proven to us time and again on such a frequent basis that it has simply become the norm.
It is this mistrust of the powers that be that turn people off the major issues of the day as they feel that, whatever they do, nothing changes.
In answer to your question, yes, the banking system of course needs a major overhaul. To do otherwise invites yet more economic disasters which we will again have to pay for.
As to the specifics, not being an expert myself in the banking system, it is something that further development is needed in Party policy in order come up with appropriate solutions to seemingly endless problems in the system.
46 minutes ago
Politics UK
Does the United People's Party agree to House of Lords reform and if so, what type of upper house would you prefer?
46 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
Reforming the House of Lords is something we have briefly mentioned in Party policy, if only to suggest that we should review it in order to make for a more suitable and useful Upper Chamber.
Like many, I simply view the House of Lords as
a powerless institution which acts as a whistle blower or a critic of government policy. It is, in effect, powerless.
I do think some sort of reform is needed to help bring the Upper Chamber into the 21st Century but I am not at all keen on an all-elected House of Lords as this gives it justification to demand powers that could cause problems for the House of Commons in the future. The last thing we need is what could become just another House of Commons, except the politicians there could be serving 15 year terms!
The only reason this is being discussed on such a level is largely due to Mr. Cleggs attempt to effectively announce to his dwindling support base that they are not the Conservative puppets that most people consider them to be (though that’s now backfired, much like most of the attempts from the Lib Dems to implement their policy).
Quite frankly, I think there are more important things the government should be worrying about.
40 minutes ago
Politics UK
Over the last few months we have seen at the Leveson Inquiry the close relationship between politicians and the press.
Do you believe that this relationship has been beneficial for our democracy?
39 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
Any relationship between politicians and any business, media institution, political organisation, Trade Union, wealthy individual or whatever should always be scrutinised.
I do not consider it particularity healthy for democracy that there
are such relationships between these 2 powerful groups (politicians and the media) but this is not something that has just occurred overnight, there has always been, and always will be, some sort of “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” goings on amongst the most powerful figures in our society.
As I said, keeping them on their toes and scrutinising such relationships is important.
34 minutes ago
Politics UK
Still on the Leveson Inquiry, should we be proud or ashamed of our media? And is there a need for press regulation?
33 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
I would say neither, at least in the sense that we shouldn’t all be ashamed of all media institutions and we shouldn’t all be proud of all media intuitions.
Some deserve more praise, and disgust, than others.
I don’t have any particular l
ove or hatred of the media in a general sense.
You have to be careful with regulation as this can lead to control over what the media, and people, can and cannot say. There should certainly be regulations with regard to how information is acquired and to continue to ensure that nothing inflammatory is said in the news that directly aims to incite violence or prejudice.
It’s always a tricky situation trying to find that balance between freedom of speech and moral responsibility.
31 minutes ago
Politics UK
What is the UPPs policy on immigration?
31 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
Our overall political objectives regarding immigration are simple.
There are too many people entering Britain in a time of limited jobs and limited housing - this number must be reduced. To do this, we must primarily focus on withdrawing f
orm the EU and regaining control of our borders. We do, however, fully oppose a halt to immigration as it makes no sense from an economic perspective, let alone a moral one, to do so.
Illegal immigration must be deterred and funding increased to the UK Border Agency in order to achieve this. Illegal immigrants currently residing in the UK will, as is the situation now, be found and dealt with appropriately. We merely intend to increase emphasis and a greater effort in doing so.
We are firm believes in integration, not deportation, for those legal immigrants who live here but are struggling to fit in with British society. This is extremely important as it ties in with our core aim in building a single national community to which all the different people’s of this nation can belong.
We see the promotion of British culture, within Britain, as central to our plans to unify the nation.
28 minutes ago
Politics UK
Do you believe climate change is man-made and what should we do to take care of our environment?
26 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
Environmentalism and green politics in general is something that I have always been a keen supporter of.
I believe man-made climate change is real, like most people and I believe that what we are doing has an effect on our planet.
But, in
truth, does it really matter?
Can anyone argue against developing renewable fuel and energy? Can anyone argue against creating new jobs? Or the desire to make Britain a more self-sufficient nation? Or preserving both our own and other nations natural habitats?
It is not a question of if we need to develop a green industry, it is a question of why aren’t we developing a green industry now? Our political objectives on this policy topic are clear - we need a green industry sooner rather than later.
25 minutes ago
Politics UK
What are the future plans for the UPP?
25 minutes ago
Andrew Stott
We are currently in the middle of a nationwide leaflet campaign for this month, with 2 more due in January 2013 and April 2013, in advance of the 2013 Local Elections.
In the more immediate future, we are intending to stand a candidate for
the Manchester Central Parliamentary By-election this November. This by-election will prove immensely useful in promoting the Party as it will be given nationwide coverage, though we know we are likely to get a tiny % of the vote (it would come as no surprise if we were to receive less than 0.5%).
We have been busy over the last few months in updating the website, updating our election material, updating our merchandise, updating Party policy, raising awareness of the Party both through real-life activism and through the online community and we have already raised more income than in the whole of 2009, 2010 and 2011 combined.
In short, the next year or so promises to be a very exciting time for the United People’s Party and we look forward to our continued expansion and development.
23 minutes ago
Politics UK
PoliticsUK would like to thank Mr Stott. If you are interested in the United People’s Party, like their Facebook page
or visit their website
United People's Party
*** Values and Objectives *** The Party's 8 Point Plan, which summarises its c
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19 minutes ago
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